Many companies ask us if they can try our products using a free trial.
We understand why this might be helpful, to see if our products are a fit for you.
However we cannot offer free trials for our big data.
The reasons for this are simple: a large part of our data from all of our modules is protected by the copyright of our partners, is paid for or confidential.
Part of the cost of an Air4casts subscription is in paying our partners for the data they provide, which they licence through us for each individual company. They are the sole providers of their data and of course have strict views on our allowing free access to this data.
We also need to protect our products and maintain our confidentiality agreements. This is always a consideration when data is your business.
We can however allow you to view our data and how it is organised. We can set up demonstrations, visit or host you, and allow you to use our products during the meeting. For most people, this answers all of their questions and they feel certain the data is right for them.
We can also show you sample data and downloads, or discuss how you would like to organise, extract and use your data, and show you how that would work.
If you would like to see more of our data and products, don't hesitate to get in touch.
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